Welcome to U.S. Martial Arts where we teach men, women, and children of all ages! We offer exciting classes that focus on self-defense, building self-esteem, getting a great workout, and much more. For more information click on a program below…

About Our School

The 5 Life-Changing Gifts of Martial Arts.  For Kids AND Adults.

Dear Friend,Our U.S. Martial Arts schools believe that martial arts is more than fitness and combat… we believe it makes people better on the inside, too.

For thousands of years, people have held this belief about martial arts. They’ve developed stronger characters, experienced more joy in life, and, of course, learned powerful self-defense and become very physically fit.

Here are 5 things you can expect from our classes that you may have not realized before today…

#1: A Big Boost in Confidence.

Martial arts presents you with all kinds of challenges. But we’re here to help you through each one. For example, the techniques themselves are “new” and “different” than anything you’re likely used to.

You might even get frustrated at times when you can’t do them perfectly from the start.

But worry not! Because with practice, you WILL master these techniques, and then you’ll look back and realize how much you’ve accomplished. When you do this, your confidence soars.

In fact, this often happens within just a week or two of starting. It’s truly great to see.

#2: A Big Boost in Focus.

Mastering techniques requires a lot of concentration! This enhances your ability to concentrate in all areas of your life as well. For kids, they often start focusing better in school very quickly. Teachers and parents notice the difference.

For adults, they find themselves being more productive and focused at work, and achieving greater things.

It’s amazing how much of a difference improved focus makes in our lives.

#3: Getting in Great Shape.

Physical fitness is so crucial for a happy life. When you’re fit, you have more energy, can think more clearly, and feel happier overall.

A big portion of our classes is spent on improving your fitness. But we do it in a “functional” way that helps you in your everyday life. As you get fitter, you also get more coordinated, balanced, and flexible.

#4: Community & Friendship.

A big part of our martial arts school is our community. We’ve created an environment here that fosters friendships and support. Members, both children and adults, make friends, form bonds, and help each other learn and grow.

For example, if you need help with a technique, a more experienced fellow member is as likely to help you as our instructors are. That’s just how we do things here.

Of course, our instructors are super helpful and encouraging as well. They’re the leaders of our amazing community.

#5: And of course… FUN!

All work and no play never served anyone! And it doesn’t serve us either.

That’s why every class is injected with fun and excitement. You’ll laugh, smile, and the time will fly by with fun.

That’s just how we do things.

So what do you think? Ready to come give us a try? We’d love to have you!

Simply scroll up and click the program that you feel is the best fit for you or your children.

If you have trouble, don’t hesitate to give us a call: (269) 685-1279. We’re here to help.

Master Scott Polderman

U.S. Martial Arts

HUGE Benefits for Kids…

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