Adult Classes

“How This Taekwondo Class Uses 2,000 Year Old Secrets of the Far East To Teach You Flawless Self-Defense, Helps You Lose Weight Extremely Fast, And Live A Happier, More Meaningful Life…”

Read on to find out more, and see how you can start applying these secrets to your life today…

Dear Friend,

My name is Scott Polderman and Martial Arts is my life.

Now, I know that a lot of people think Taekwondo is only about learning how to fight… and defend yourself…

But the truth is, it’s So Much More.

…It’s really a way of life.

It’s about connecting to your inner-strength – what the Chinese call “Chi”.  It’s about accomplishing goals you never thought you could.  It’s about respecting your body and mind.

When you connect with your “chi” – your life force.

  • You feel a boundless inner-strength strength that you might not even see in yourself right now.
  • You discover how to stay calm, even when everything around is hectic, and unstable.
  • And you develop the confidence to tackle any challenge – and succeed – because through mastering Taekwondo you see that you can do anything you set your mind to.

And the way Taekwondo helps you connect to your “chi” is through the techniques of the martial arts.

Techniques that give you a GREAT workout, too.

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